Hogwarts’ House fact

In early drafts of Philosopher’s Stone, members of the Slytherin house were known as “Slytherites”.  By 2017, Slytherin is no longer the pure-blood bastion that it once was. However, its dark reputation still lingers  That Mafalda girl I tweeted a few minutes ago isn’t really a Weasley. She is a relative of Molly Weasley. Sorry…


After Fred’s death, George continued to run Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes with Ron which became a huge success.   JKR has planned to kill Fred Weasley since the beginning of the story   The twins once bewitched snowballs to hit Quirrell’s turban & they were unwittingly hitting Voldy in the face.   George III became king…

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Script

HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN 1    EXT. NUMBER FOUR PRIVET DRIVE – MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT         1      The street slumbers, adrift in shadow. Then… a curious      BEAM OF LIGHT BOBS beyond the second-story window of      Number Four. 2    INT. HARRY’S ROOM – SAME TIME – MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT         2…

Korean Slang

가다 or (맛이) 가다 syn. 돌다 – crazy, mad, insane 걸레 – slut or man whore 돌다 – to turn mad, lunatic or insane (돌았냐?) 갈구다 – To nag at someone, irritate, bother, annoy 갑이다 = 동갑이다 – to be approximately the same age as another (우리 갑이네. 말까도 되지?) 강추 = 강력 추천 –…

Korean Idioms

가슴 (chest) 가슴에 맺히다 to have vengence of fear knotting up inside you 가슴에 못을 박다 to be hurt emotionally 가슴을 치다 feel frustration; feel wronged 가슴을 태우다 be very anxious 가슴이 내려앉다 be greatly surprised; be startled 가슴이 덜컹하다 be suddenly surprised or shocked 가슴이 미어지다 be stricken with grief, pain, sadness, or emotion…

50 cách để lãng phí cuộc đời!

Nếu bạn không theo đuổi những gì bạn muốn, bạn sẽ không bao giờ có được nó. Nếu bạn không đặt ra những câu hỏi đúng, bạn sẽ luôn luôn nhận được những câu trả lời sai. Nếu bạn không tiến một bước về phía trước, bạn sẽ luôn luôn ở yên tại chỗ. Cuộc…

20 điều thú vị về Alex Ferguson

“Alex Ferguson là ai?” – Ắt hẳn một chú bé cũng có thể trả lời câu hỏi đó, song chắc chắn có những điều thú vị về HLV tài ba này mà bạn chưa thể biết hết. Hãy cùng Dân trí khám phá 20 thông tin đó về ông… Thời “quần đùi, áo số” ……

10 câu nói bất hủ của Bill Gates

Bill Gates – ông chủ của tập đoàn máy tính lớn nhất thế giới Microsoft – đã đưa ra 10 lời khuyên dành cho các bạn thanh niên trên con đường lập nghiệp. Chúng tôi xin giới thiệu và mời các bạn tham khảo những lời khuyên bổ ích của người đàn ông giàu nhất…

한국어의 표준 발음

한국어의 표준 발음 KBS 아나운서실 한국어연구부 아나운서 지영서(부장급) 언어는 그 나라의 혼이 깃들어 있는 그릇임과 동시에 민족성을 알 수 있는 잣대입니다. 따라서 바르고 품위 있는 언어를 사용하는 민족일수록 민족정신을 철저히 이어가고, 빛나는 전통문화를 계승 발전시킬 수 있습니다. 표준어는 교양 있는 사람들이 두루 쓰는 현대 서울말로 한국어를 대표하는 말입니다. 교육이나 공적인 경우에 사용할 수 있도록 일정기준에…

Hermione Granger facts

– resembles JKR at a younger age – was intended to have a muggle sister – went back to Hogwarts to attain her N.E.W.T.s in 1998. The only one of the trio to do this. – the godmother of Harry and Ginny’s oldest child, James Sirius Potter. – attained a high position in the Ministry,…

Draco Malfoy facts

– loosely based on bullies JKR encountered during her school days – was a descendant of House of Black – with his family avoided imprisonment in Azkaban due to their last-minute switch in allegiance in Battle of Hogwarts. – married Astoria Greengrass, the younger sister of fellow Slytherin classmate Daphne Greengrass. – had a son…

Luna Lovegood facts

– became a famous wizarding naturalist, travelling the world in search of strange creatures. – discovered and classified many species that had never been encountered before. – never able to find the Crumple-Horned Snorkack & accepted that there are some things that do not exist. – Harry & Ginny gave their daughter Lily, the middle…

Albus Dumbledore facts

– the only Headmaster that was laid to rest at Hogwarts. – a Gryffindor – speaks for JKR in the books, as he knows pretty much everything about the Harry Potter universe. – derived from “bumblebee” because JKR imagined him walking around humming to himself a lot. – was about 150 years old. However, on…

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone script

Scene: A neighbourhood on a street called Privet Drive. An owl, sitting on the street sign flies off to reveal a mysterious appearing old man walking through a forest near the street. He stops at the start of the street and takes out a mechanical device and zaps all the light out of the lampposts. He…